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The incredible trait of hope 🌱

Hope was my absolute favorite word a few years back.

When you strip away its flowery image, it reveals one of the most resilient and powerful traits we can possess. Hope is quietly stubborn—it’s a belief in what could be, even when the path is uncertain. It’s seeing light as a possibility, even when all around us is darkness. And let’s face it, hope isn’t always comfortable.

Hope is essential for our wellbeing. It’s something we can nurture, cultivate, grow and use to better navigate life's challenges.

But here’s the key: what we place our hope in matters. It needs to be steadfast, unshakable. It's most helpful to place our hope in things that are reliable and certain. Some examples of concrete things to hope in / for include: love, the goodness that exists, God, the sun rising tomorrow—things we can count on, even when circumstances seem uncertain.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on hope. Do you have a personal example where hope made a positive impact? Or do you see hope differently? Perhaps you want to learn how to better harness and use hope in your life? I'd love to hear from you 🤗 Reach out here.

With you and for you,

P.S. Remember to check out the online store for downloadable resources 🤩🌱. You can find it here.

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