As we near the end of the year we might be feeling all sorts of dysregulation, last minute rushes, pressure to finish off the year "strong" (🙄 what does that even mean) and anxiety / stress.
How we label this to ourselves really matters- research shows that by accurately labelling our emotions we are better able to feel what we're feeling and choose a meaningful response.

[From Susan David's Instagram. View it here.]
The above example of stress / anxiety is one I often hear used interchangeably to our detriment- especially this time of the year!
Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a specific difficult situation/s. It is a natural human response that should prompt us to address the challenges we're facing. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It doesn't have a specific target like stress does. So we tend to feel anxiety more generally; it can also be understood as more of a general fear of the future.
Fortunately, both can be successfully dealt with and we don't have to feel captive to either feeling.
First step is a deep breath and accurate labelling. Next, if you're feeling stressed, perhaps a thought-out action plan is next? If you've identified anxiety- mindfulness strategies like grounding and a conversation with a trusted friend or counsellor might be the next right step.
Either way next time you're getting this information from your nervous system, take a mindful pause and be intentional about labelling what you're experiencing accurately. It can only aid you 🤗. And please let me know how you find this simple practice!
You are so capable of handling whatever the last month of 2024 throws at you. If you would like someone to come alongside as you navigate difficulties you're facing, I'll be available through December- reach out here to make an appointment.
With you and for you,

Remember to check out the online store for downloadable resources 🤩
You can find it here.